Signature Bouquet


Wild Flora’s signature garden-style Bridal Bouquet, filled with lush, seasonal flowers and greenery.

Choose flowers in one of our signature color combinations: Soft Neutrals, Classic White, Bold & Bright, Jewel Tones, Pops of Paradise, Walking on Sunshine, Pretty in Pink, Peaches & Cream, Lavender Haze, Rainbow Sorbet, or Harvest Moon.

Each of our bridal bouquets is wrapped in hand-dyed silk ribbon. We’ll select the ribbon color that best matches your bridal flower bouquet, or you can make a note at checkout to let us know what color ribbon you’d prefer.

Please note that the types of flowers and greenery used in each bouquet will vary based on seasonality and availability.

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Wild Flora’s signature garden-style Bridal Bouquet, filled with lush, seasonal flowers and greenery.

Choose flowers in one of our signature color combinations: Soft Neutrals, Classic White, Bold & Bright, Jewel Tones, Pops of Paradise, Walking on Sunshine, Pretty in Pink, Peaches & Cream, Lavender Haze, Rainbow Sorbet, or Harvest Moon.

Each of our bridal bouquets is wrapped in hand-dyed silk ribbon. We’ll select the ribbon color that best matches your bridal flower bouquet, or you can make a note at checkout to let us know what color ribbon you’d prefer.

Please note that the types of flowers and greenery used in each bouquet will vary based on seasonality and availability.

Wild Flora’s signature garden-style Bridal Bouquet, filled with lush, seasonal flowers and greenery.

Choose flowers in one of our signature color combinations: Soft Neutrals, Classic White, Bold & Bright, Jewel Tones, Pops of Paradise, Walking on Sunshine, Pretty in Pink, Peaches & Cream, Lavender Haze, Rainbow Sorbet, or Harvest Moon.

Each of our bridal bouquets is wrapped in hand-dyed silk ribbon. We’ll select the ribbon color that best matches your bridal flower bouquet, or you can make a note at checkout to let us know what color ribbon you’d prefer.

Please note that the types of flowers and greenery used in each bouquet will vary based on seasonality and availability.

Posy Bouquet
Petite Classic Bouquet